
Programa do Curso - (Syllabus)
First lesson (3 hours): introduction to the course; the main problems of ancient oratory; fundamentals of argumentation theory (Perelman-Olbrechts Tyteca, van Eemeren, Rigotti) and its applicability to the ancient literary oratory; the relationship between rhetoric and ancient oratory; contextualization of the examined works (Sallust, De Catilinae coniuratione; Livy, Ab urbe condita libri; Virgil, Aeneis; Lucan, Bellum civile); 
Second lesson: (3 hours): analysis of Catilina's speeches in Sallust, De Catilinae coniuratione 20-22 and 58 and of the orations of Scipio and Hannibal in Livy, Ab urbe condita 21, 39-44. 
Third lesson: oratory in epic poetry, taking as starting point G. Highet, The speeches in Vergil's Aeneid, Princeton 1972: analysis of the discourses of Ilioneus (Aen. I, 522-538) and of Drances (Aen. XI, 343-375); synthetic argumentative analysis and reflection on the debate of Aeneas and Dido in the fourth book 
Fourth lesson (3 hours): analysis of the speeches of Brutus and Cato in Lucan, Bellum Civile II, 242-323. Final remarks on the course; further methodological and research perspectives.
C. Sallustius Crispus, Catilina, Iugurtha, Fragmenta ampliora, ed. A. Kurfess, Stutgardiae et Lipsiae 1957;
Titi Livi Ab urbe condita libri. Rec. et adnotatione critica instr. C. F. Walters et R. S. Conway. Tomus III, libri XXI-XXV, Oxonii 1929 (often reprinted); Livius, Ab Urbe Condita, Libri XXI–XXII; XXIII-XXV, ed. T. A. Dorey, Leipzig, Teubner, 1971-1976
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneis. Recensuit atque apparatu critico instruxit Gian Biagio Conte, Berolini et Novi Eboraci 2009.
Lucani Opera. R. Badalì recensuit, Romae, 1992.
G. Abbamonte, L. Miletti, L. Spina (eds.), Discorsi alla prova, Napoli 2009.
G. Aldrete, Gestures and acclamations in ancient Rome, Baltimore-London 1999.
A. Balbo, I frammenti degli oratori romani dell’età augustea e tiberiana. Parte prima. Età augustea, Alessandria 20072.
A. Balbo, I frammenti degli oratori romani dell’età augustea e tiberiana. Parte seconda. Età tiberiana, Alessandria 2007.
A. Balbo, Marcus Junius Brutus the Orator. Between Philosophy and Rhetoric, in Community and Communication. Oratory and Politics in Republican Rome, Oxford 2013, 315-328.
A. Balbo, Profili argomentativi del discorso di Catilina in Sall. Cat. 20-22, «Philologia Antiqua». 11, 2018, 9-24.
D. H. Berry - A. Erskine (eds.), Form and Function in Roman oratory, Cambridge 2010.
W. W. Batstone, Catiline's speeches in Sallust's « Bellum Catilinae ». Form and function : 227-246.
A. Cavarzere, Gli arcani dell'oratore: alcuni appunti sull'actio dei romani, Roma-Padova 2011.
J.C. De Nadaï, Rhétorique et poétique dans la Pharsale de Lucain, Paris 2000.
F. H. van Eemeren (et alii), Handbook of Argumentation Theory, New York 2014.
A. Feldherr, « Magna mihi copia est memorandi »: modes of historiography in the speeches of Caesar and Cato (Sallust, Bellum Catilinae 51-4) in Time and narrative in ancient historiography : the « plupast » from Herodotus to Appian ed. by J. Grethlein and Ch. B. Krebs. Cambridge ; New York 2012, 95-112.
R. P. Geckle, The rhetoric of morality in Sallust's speeches and letters. Diss. Columbia University New York 1995.
J.C. Hall, Oratorical Delivery and the Emotions: Theory and Practice, in A companion to Roman Rhetoric, eds. W. J. Dominik, J. Hall, Oxfrod 2007, 218–234.
G. Highet, The speeches in Vergil's Aeneid, Princeton 1972.
A. Iacona, L'argomentazione, Torino 2005.
G. A. Kennedy, A New History of Classical Rhetoric, Princeton 1994.
A. Laird, Power of expression, expressions of power. Speech presentation and Latin literature, Oxford 1999.
H. Lausberg, Handbook of Literary Rhetoric, English translation by D. E. Orton and R. D. Anderson, Leiden 1998 (based upon Lausberg second German edition of 1973).
J. Marincola, Speeches in Classical Historiography, in J. Marincola (ed.), A Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography, Oxford 2007, 118-132.
N.P. Miller, Dramatic speech in Roman Historians, Greece and Rome 22, 1975, 42-57.
R. Mueller, Zum Verhältnis von narrativen und strukturellen Elementen in der antiken Geschichtsschreibung. SStor 10, 1986, 25-35
R. Nicolai « Unam ex tam multis orationem perscribere »: riflessioni sui discorsi nelle monografie di Sallustio. Atti del primo convegno nazionale sallustiano: L'Aquila 28-29 settembre 2001 a cura di G. Marinangeli. L’Aquila 2002, 43-67.
F.R. Nocchi, Tecniche teatrali e formazione dell’oratore in Quintiliano, Berlin; Boston (Mass.) 2013.
E. Norden, Die antike Kunstprosa, Berlin 19153
D. Pausch (ed.), Stimmen der Geschichte. Funktionen von Reden in der antiken Historiographie, Berlin-New York 2010.
R. Ullmann, La technique des discours dans Salluste, Tite Live et Tacite : la matiere et la composition, Oslo 1927.
A. J. Woodman, Rhetoric in classical historiography, London and Sydney 1988.
C. Perelman, L. Olbrechts-Tyteca, Traité de l'argumentation. La nouvelle rhétorique, Paris, PUF, 1958, tr. it. Trattato dell'argomentazione. La nuova retorica, Torino 1966.
C. Steel, H. van der Blom (eds.), Community and Communication. Oratory and Politics in Republican Rome. Oxford 2013.