1ª AULA (3h)
1) Sobre o texto: as Refutações Sofísticas
2) Os tipos de argumentos e os argumentos erísticos
3) O que são endoxa?
4) O que é uma dedução e uma refutação?
5) A lista e os exemplos aristotélicos
2ª AULA (3h)
1) As soluções das refutações sofísticas
Bibliografia Primária:
ARISTOTE, “Les Réfutations Sophistiques”, trad. , L.-A. Dorion (1995), J. Vrin, Paris e Laval.
__________, “Topiques”, trad. Jacques Brunschwig (1967 e 2007), 2 tomos, Belles Lettres, Paris.
ARISTÓTELES, “Retórica”, trad. Manuel Alexandre Junior, Paulo Farmhouse Alberto e Abel do Nascimento Pena (2005), Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, Lisboa.
ARISTOTLE, “Aristotle’s Sophistical Refutations. A Translation”, trad. P.S. Hasper, (2013), Philosophiegeschichte Und Logische Analyse, 15, p. 13-54.
___________, “De Anima”, trad. Christopher Shields (2016), Clarendon Press, Oxford.
___________, “On Sophistical Refutations”, trad. E. S. Forster, (1955), Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press, Cambridge.
___________, “The Complete Works of Aristotle”, ed. Jonathan Barnes (1984), Princeton University Press, Princeton.
___________, “Topica et Sophistici Elenchi”, revisado por W. D. Ross (1958), Oxford University Press, Oxford.
PLATO, “Complete Works”, editado por John M. Cooper (1997), Hackett Publishing Company, Indianapolis/Cambridge.
Bibliografia Secundária:
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BÄCK, A. (2009), “Mistakes of Reason: Practical Reasoning and the Fallacy of Accident”, Phronesis, vol. 54, p. 101-135.
BOGER, G. (1997), “Aristotle’s Treatment of Fallacious Reasoning in Sophistical Refutations and Prior Analytics”, OSSA Conference Archive, 12.
BOTTING, D. (2012), “What is a Sophistical Refutation?”, Argumentation, 26, p. 213-232.
CLASSEN, C. J. (1981), “Aristotle’s Picture of The Sophists”, em The Sophists and Their Legacy, ed. G. B. Kerferd, Franz Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden, p. 7-24.
EBBESEN, S. (1981), “Commentators and Commentaries on Aristotle’s Sophistici Elenchi: A Study of Post-Aristotelian Ancient and Medieval Writings on Fallacies”, Brill, Leiden.
EVANS, J. D. G. (1975), “The codification of false refutations in Aristotle’s De Sophisticis Elenchis”, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society, 21, p. 42-52.
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FAIT, P. (2012), “The “false validating premiss” in Aristotle’s doctrine of fallacies”, History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis, vol. 15, 1, p. 238-266.
HAMBLIN, C. L. (1970), “Fallacies”, Methuen & Co. LTD, Londres.
HAMLYN, D. W. (1990), “Aristotle on Dialectic”, Philosophy, vol. 65, No. 254, p. 465-476.
HASPER, P. S. (2009), “Logic and Linguistics: Aristotle’s Account of the Fallacies of Combination and Division in the Sophistical Refutations”, Apeiron, vol. 42, 2.
HASPER, P. S. (2013), “The Ingredients of Aristotle’s Theory of Fallacy”, Argumentation, 27, p. 31-47.
HITCHCOCK, D. (2000), “Fallacies and Formal Logic in Aristotle”, History and Philosophy of Logic, 21:3, p. 207-221.
IRWIN, T. (1990), “Aristotle’s First Principles”, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
KERFERD, G. B. (1981), “The Sophistic Movement”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
KRABBE, E. C. W. (2012), “Aristotle’s On Sophistical Refutations”, Topoi, 31, p. 243-248.
LEAR, J. (1980), “Aristotle and Logical Theory”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
LESZL, W. (2004), “Aristotle’s Logical Works and His Conception of Logic”, Topoi, 23, p. 71-100.
MALINK, M. (2014), “Deduction in Sophistici Elenchi 6”, em Strategies of Argument: Essays in Ancient Ethics, Epistemology and Logic, ed. M. –K. Lee, p. 149-174, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
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RESCHER, N. (2001), “Paradoxes: their roots, range and resolution”, Open Court, Chicago e La Salle, Illinois.
SCHREIBER, S. G. (2003), “Aristotle on False Reasoning – Language and the World in the Sophistical Refutations”, SUNY Press, Albany.
SLOMKOWSKI, P. (1997), “Aristotle’s Topics”, Brill, Leiden.
SMITH, R. (1993), “Aristotle The Uses of Dialectic”, Synthese, 96, p. 335-358.
SWANSON, C. (2016) “Aristotle on Ignorance of the Definition of Refutation”, Apeiron, vol. 50, 2, p. 153-196.
VAN EEMEREN, F. H. e GROOTENDORST, R. (2004), “A Systematic Theory of Argumentation – The pragma-dialectical approach”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.