
Aula 01 (01/11): Introdução: Problemas Morais e Jurídicos da Homossexualidade na Sociedade Vitoriana
Leitura obrigatória: “Chapter 1: Origins” do livro The International LGBT Rights Movement: a History de Laura A. Belmonte
Aula 02 (08/11): Condenação: as Controvérsias Jurídicas no Julgamento de Oscar Wilde
Leitura obrigatória: “Introduction” do livro Irish Peacock & Scarlet Marquess: the Real Trial of Oscar Wilde de Merlin Holland
Aula 03 (22/11): Escrita do Cárcere - Parte 01: Notas sobre a Humanidade e a Violência
Leitura obrigatória: “De Profundis” de Oscar Wilde (em The Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde)
Leituras teóricas optativas:
1. “The Credibility of Elves?: Narrative Exclusion and Prison Writing” de Sarah Colvin (em Prison Writing and the Literary
World: Imprisonment, Institutionality and Questions of Literary Practice)
2. “Introduction” de Judith Butler (em Frames of War: When is Life Grievable?)
Aula 04 (29/11): Escrita do Cárcere - Parte 02: Notas sobre o Orgulho e o Arrependimento
Leitura obrigatória: “De Profundis” de Oscar Wilde (em The Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde)
Leituras teóricas optativas:
1. “Love-Letter, Spiritual Autobiography, or Prison Writing? Identity and Value in De Profundis” de Ian Small (em Wilde
Writings: Contextual Conditions)
2. “Oscar Wilde’s ‘De Profundis’: Homosexual Self-Fashioning on the Other Side of Scandal” de Michael R. Doylen (em
Victorian Literature and Culture, 1999, Vol. 27, No. 2)
Obs. Não haverá aula no dia 15/11 por ser Proclamação da República.
Referências Bibliográficas
BELMONTE, Laura A. The International LGBT Rights Movement: a History. Londres: Bloomsbury, 2020.
BRISTOW, Joseph. Oscar Wilde on Trial: the Criminal Proceedings from Arrest to Imprisonment. New Haven: Yale University
Press, 2022.
BUTLER, Judith. Frames of War: When is Life Grievable?. Londres: Verso, 2009.
DOWLING, Linda. Hellenism and Homosexuality in Victorian Oxford. Ítaca: Cornell University Press, 1994.
DOYLEN, Michael R. “Oscar Wilde’s ‘De Profundis’: Homosexual Self-Fashioning on the Other Side of Scandal”. In:
Victorian Literature and Culture , 1999, Vol. 27, No. 2.
FOUCAULT, Michel. História da Sexualidade Vol.1: a Vontade de Saber. Trad. Maria Thereza da Costa Albuquerque e J.A.
Guilhon Albuquerque. Rio de Janeiro: Graal, 1999.
FOUCAULT, Michel. Vigiar e Punir: o Nascimento da Prisão. Trad. Raquel Ramalhete. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1987.
HOLLAND, Merlin. Irish Peacock & Scarlet Marquess: the Real Trial of Oscar Wilde. Londres: Fourth Estate, 2003.
HYDE, H. Montgomery. The Trials of Oscar Wilde. Nova York: Dover, 1962.
KELLY, Michelle; WESTALL, Claire. Prison Writing and the Literary World: Imprisonment, Institutionality and Questions of
Literary Practice. Londres: Routledge, 2021.
Ó DONGHAILE, Deaglán. Oscar Wilde and the Radical Politics of the Fin de Siècle. Edimburgo: Edinburgh University Press,
SINFIELD, Alan. The Wilde Century: Effeminacy, Oscar Wilde, and the Queer Moment. Nova York: Columbia University
Press, 1994.
SMALL, Ian. “Love-Letter, Spiritual Autobiography, or Prison Writing? Identity and Value in De Profundis”. In: BRISTOW,
Joseph (ed.). Wilde Writings: Contextual Conditions. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
WILDE, Oscar. The Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde. Ed. Merlin Holland e Rupert Hart-Davis. Londres: Fourth Estate, 2000.